Our Online Payment Gateway is under the Registration Process. Currently, we are accepting donations in the following ways.
We accept Donation in bKash
bKash Number: +880 1902 127 677 (Personal)
Please ask for the receipt in our messenger after you make the donation.
We accept Donation in Nagad
Nagad Number: +880 1723 600 537
Please ask for the receipt in our messenger after you make the donation.
We accept Donation in Rocket
Rocket Number: +880 1837 707 577
Please ask for the receipt in our messenger after you make the donation.
We accept Donation in Islami Bank Account
Account Name: Md. Sajjad Kabir
Account Number: 20 50 11 20 20 6438701
Bank: Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd.
Branch: Bogura
Please ask for the receipt in our messenger after you make the donation.
We accept Donation in Standard Chartered Bank Account
Account Name: Nafia Abdullah
Account Number: 18127606501
Bank: Standard Chartered Bank Ltd.
Branch: Gulshan
Please ask for the receipt in our messenger after you make the donation.